Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Thanks!!

I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!! 

I have to say that I am pretty thankful that I am connected to the Lord! I am thankful that I am no longer blinded and deafened by the enemy. I am renewed and washed clean, for the blood of the Lamb I am thankful! God is good, and He has given me a new day!! Thank you Lord!! 

My Father has touched not only my life, but my family is awaken! I thank the Lord for never returning void on His promises! My children cried out to Him in confusion, in desperation, in uncertainty.. and He has heard them. They now cry to Him with thanksgiving and pray for growth! My husband once uncertain, and in disbelief cried out to God for understanding and encouragement, and through his faith .. Father God Heard him!! My husband is becoming the courageous leader he always was meant to be.. He is also finding great joy in doing the works of the Lord. My husband once at a loss for words.. now recognizes when I am being attacked.. and he PRAYS over me!! Glory be to God!
 What a true blessing the Lord has shown us all! And this is just the beginning!! 
I look forward to all that the Lord will reveal in our lives.. 
and look toward the future with no worry or anxiety;
 for I am trusting in the Lord with all my heart and I lean not on my own understanding.
 (Proverbs. 3:5-6)
Thank you Jesus!!

Psalm 107:1 
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

May the Lord shine His Glory on you this Thanksgiving! 
Have a blessed and beautiful Holiday!

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What in the F is going on?! (made you laugh!)

So an update on what and How the Faith, Family and Friends are doin in my life.. 

I have to say, Lord God Almighty continues to reveal  his magnificentness ( yep new word) more and more to me in more and more ways. Its almost overwhelming. I never doubted that he would.. but didnt know the blessings would come one right after another!! Let me just give a brief summary of the many changes and blessings that have occurred in our home 
because of our FAITH!

With me: I have been able to tap into the gifts that God has given me more and more. Example, I have started to sew clothing, never had a class or lesson in my life.. picked up my machine and have now made several dresses, skirts, pants, pillows, and now working on shirts. My girls sport Mama Roo's style everywhere!! I never saw myself as a sewer.. but now.. I feel limitless!! I worship and sing while I sew and give all the glory to Him!! Its effortless! 
I have also started to see my gift of ministry take shape. I have been able to speak words of truth led by the Holly Spirit to my children, husband, and others...I know are not my words. The words hold Gods power and Grace! When I'm done speaking to them.. usually a blessing occurs in their life shortly after. I kid you not. Dont misunderstand, I'm not tooting my horn.. its not me at all.. I am not the one able to change a hair on anyone's head... 
I give all the glory to God. I am just overwhelmed by his Love! I pray to always be usable to help spread Gods Love. 
I have seen God make a way when there seems to be no way, answer prayers big and small. There have been times when my prayers "seemed" to go unanswered... those days I feel panic!! lol. I go around talking and talking and talking to Him... then wait and wait and wait.. and then pray and pray and pray. I finally reached a point of exhaustion with this cycle.. and just gave up looking for an answer in the way that " I thought" would work.. and POOF! Just like that, God delivered a message to me almost simultaneously..  
Through Jesse Duplantis!! lol. He said...
If God doesn't answer your prayers, its because he is waiting for you to make a choice. He wants you to make and choice and know that he got's your back! At the same time if God see's that your choices aren't of the best interests for you.. 
he will tap you on the shoulder and help you see to back off.
 ( all that was said to him by God, and then the message came thru Jesse to me in a Louisiana accent!! lol Gotta love it!)
So God showed me that at times, he wont answer directly ... because he needs me to be strong, self confident, respectful and pure enough to make my choices and know that they are right and he will back them up.. if I start goin off the path he has for me.. 
he will remind me. Thank you Lord. 

My Husband: Has had many recent developments. He has started to see Gods glory in a way that he CANNOT ignore or pass off as just coincident. Gods grace has touched him and I see less and less doubt in him. He recently volunteered with me and some of the churches tribe members, at St. PJ's Children's home, where he opened up to the Tribe leader about his faith and walk with God. I was surprised he talked at all, my husband tends to be shy and reserved till he really gets to know a person. Where as I am fully open to talking to , praying with, and just enjoying company of others. So to see him there with me was pure joy, to see him talking with other christian men about God.. was beyond joy. And NO.. I didnt twist his arm! lol. In fact at first he said no to going, its his right and choice to do as he wishes. I continued on with my desire to attend and just prayed about it.. then POOF like that.. he changed his mind and decided to attend with me, and then enjoyed it completely!! What a blessing.. what a good man. I pray this is the first of many more to come... choices we make to help others. 
He has also been faced with many situations where he could clearly see the path that was "wide and easy"... and to much surprise he chose to take the "narrow path". yay! 

God works through many and with all things. I believe he is showing him the way .. and my husband grows in his faith daily. Why just the other day... we were "discussing" lol some issues that he felt he could never let go. He insisted that "things just dont work like that" when I explained to him how Gods Grace comes in repentance and forgiveness at the foot of the cross. I just kept repeating to him humbly that he need but have a faith in the Father.. and NOT WORRY. Well by golly.. if we didnt go to church the very next morning and Pastor gave a whole sermon on why we should NOT WORRY and trust the Lord to cleanse us of fears, doubts, and insecurity. Wow right!! Dont worry.. I didnt rub his nose in it.. I just asked with a smile " what did you think about service today? Pretty interesting huh?!" . He knows that I know that he knows it was God speakin to him. Absolute Glory! Can I get an AMEN! lol

MY EZEKIEL: Improvements all around. Grade, home life, friendships, and sibling relationships. He still challenges me from time to time.. but has learned to respect my authority! He respects me not because I said so, but because God said so. ( at least thats what it seems) All this change has come from him after he started reading the bible. Yep he picked it up and started reading whole books at a time. It helps that the bible is in comic book form! lol Yes your read right.. a comic book bible. lol. 

Hey if it works! The word of God is the word of God, printed on paper or a computer screen, on rice paper or photo, in a "traditional bible" or a comic Action Bible! I can not deny God is reaching him! And he is interested on his own to read more stories. He now talks to me about the stories he read without hesitation, he no longer comes with doubt and questions.. he has started to come to me with answers and understanding. 
ALL ON HIS OWN! Praise be to God! 
He still challenges his ability to get straight A's this its a tough spot for any kid at this age. He is figuring it all out, who he is.. who he is not, and who he would like to be. I have major faith he will make it through, better yet .. overcome all this years obstacles. The best moment with him these past two weeks.. was when he saw I was having a hard day.. he stood at the stairs (not letting me pass sorta) and just said.."abrazo" which is hug in Spanish. I Hugged him.. and I wept a lil. Finally someone in my home offers to GIVE me a hug in my time of need. How beautiful is that!! I love this kiddo.. 
My Ezekiel had it right.. When he was little, he said "Mom , I feel like God put me here on this earth for a very special reason.. more special than everyone else's." . I do believe that one of those "reasons" I felt when he hugged me. Thank you Lord. Thank you Son. 

Trinity and the Girls: What can I say they are awesome. 
We have all been sick and home bound for the past two weeks.. and not a day has passed where we didnt laugh and love one another!! 
The Twinks, graduated from the 2yr old toddler room at church and now are in the 3yr old room. They are learning the 10 commandments to the tune of twinkle twinkle! 
They totally enjoy it!
Trinity prays like she has been doin it all her life.. she talks to God and prays for others.. its amazing!!  She turns to him for support. She turns to me for understanding. She struggles with her "tude"!! lol
 However, she is 10 and this must come to pass for her to gain the wisdom she needs to later be a humble person. 
Trinity has not brought home another "N" and every morning she prays and puts on the 

Our Friends: Those who are in our lives as "friends" are good to us. Our brothers and sisters in Christ have been few, but I feel a growth coming in our direction. No, not a baby.. but a burst of new brother and sisters to include in our lives and call friends. 
My beautiful sister in Christ Valerie, is expecting!! Praise God! Its just a continual confirmation that God is all around, in all of our lives.. and he is ready to bless us all.. if we let him. This child already has a testimony that will continue to prove Gods grace, love and power!! Woot! So happy for them. 

Last Note:

Letter to all my "friends"... 

I miss you... even though.. I am a Christ follower and I have changed. All of my changes have been to amplify in me what God had originally placed and planned for me. I have not taken away any of the good that is in me, I have only turned it up a notch or two! I am still me.. still fun.. still strong.. still willing to be there for you.. still Roo. Still a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend.... Still here. Don't be "turned off" by my constant choice to follow Jesus, for its my life's joy. I promise to always love and care for you as you are. I dont judge you as I would hope you do not judge me, for judgment belongs to the Creator alone. Feel free to ask me questions, oppose my ideas or thoughts, agree with my opinions, or just get to know me more through chit chat. I do my best to be my best.. and to keep up with all that I desire to do in my life, which includes loving my friends. 
Thank you Amigos!

Thank you for your interest!

May God Bless you!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Gots Smarts Real Gud! (Current matters of interest/ things I am "checking into")

As mentioned in the post before, I am currently studying many topics and views of the world. I feel its very important for me and my family to understand where this world is heading. As I study and read up on topics and consider all views of those who report. I never lose sight of the ONE TRUTH that is God. I never go where the Holy Spirit doesn't guide me to go. I feel its important for all mankind to know the events of this world. To not be blindsided when things occur right in your neighborhood. Yes we would all love to live in a blind blissful state of being, and if this is Gods will for you then so be it, however.. I know in my heart without shadow of doubt my responsibility is to educate myself, my family, and whomever it may concern.. Christian and those of no faith alike.  As I read up on these certain topics, I do not worry or fear... nor should anyone who knows they have been redeemed. Trust with your whole heart in the Lord and the Truth shall set you free. The purpose for this blog is to share what knowledge I have been given. Not all findings are complete or of one particular opinion over another. They are simple just topics that I have been following. Feel free to click on the links below the findings are revealing. 

RIFD Technology... Scary? or efficient? or both? 

Of course this one follows ...

Judgment Day... End Times... Armageddon ...

Here's what HISTORY CHANNEL has to say about it... (many different "religious views if you press 'watch more')

Here is what Pastor Hagee has to say about it....

More interesting reads on END TIMES...

Some other scary or seemingly unnecessary technology or construction throughout the world.

Picture of a playgroup via Google Street View
( doubtful that there has been an explosion of kidnappings due to these cameras.. I am more concerned at a Government level. With power to know what we are doing at all times and where we go.. if our country did turn "against us" how could we escape their watchful eye?)


What I wanna know ... what kind of  disaster are they predicting we might be having that will impact us NATION wide and all at once?! It seems like whatever they know and we DONT.. may be big enough to get the whole country warned and involved. Safety reasons/ monetary aid? ahuh.. cause all of America is going to just stop what they are doing and listen/give?? Safety, cause the whole country is going to be called to do what? duck and cover under our desks? . .. oh sure.. better to be safe than sorry huh..

((((ADDED BUZZ!!))))

Sorry to have left this out!! Check it out for yourself! Whats happening in and around the world.. Iran doesnt want to play nice!

MOST IMPORTANTLY....!!!!!!!!!!!

I share these things with you cause its what I am currently reading up on. NOT to make you fear to leave your home.  I am in no way retreating to mountains and forcing my family to wear foil head gear! lol.
However, if you do fear for the future, there is a way to help make you feel better. 

I believe in my soul, that I am connected forever more with the Living God through the Holly Spirit! God has blessed me with his Grace and I am saved through the blood of the Lamb. The future might be grim or uncertain but our Father said...
Eternal salvation:

Psa.37:24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: 

for the Lord unholdeth him with His hand

Jn.3:36a He that believeth on the Son...hath everlasting life

Jn.6:37 Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out
Jn.10:28 I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish,
 neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand
Rom.8:38,39 I am persuaded that [nothing] shall be able to separate us from the love of God..
.in Christ Jesus
1Cor.3:11-15 [If works are] wood, hay and stubble...shall be burned, yet he himself shall be saved
1Cor.5:5 Destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved
Heb.13:5b I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee
2Tim.2:13 Though we believe not, yet He abideth faithful
1Jn.5:13 Ye may know that ye have eternal life

 But the Lord will chasten you for wrongdoing:

Psalm 89:30-34

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

    30“If his descendants abandon my teachings
      and do not live by my rules,
 31if they violate my laws
      and do not obey my commandments,
 32then with a rod I will punish their rebellion
      and their crimes with beatings.
 33But I will not take my mercy away from him
      or allow my truth to become a lie.
 34I will not dishonor my promise
      or alter my own agreement.

Revelation 3:19

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
19I correct and discipline everyone I love. Take this seriously, and change the way you think and act.

Receiving Jesus guarantees eternal life in Heaven:

Rom.6:23b The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ

Jn.11:26 Whosoever...believeth in Me shall never die

Jn.14:2-3 In My Father's house are many mansions

1Pet.1:3,4 Incorruptible inheritance reserved in Heaven for you

1Jn.5:11 God hath given to us eternal His Son

(See Rev.21:1-27 and 22:1-5 for a description of Heaven)

I urge you to pick up a bible and just start reading.. anywhere.. allow your faith to guide you. Then see what God says to you, and who he always wanted you to be. His love is ever lasting and is more beautiful than anything I have ever experienced! I can never say it enough. And if I be a fool.. then I am a fool for Jesus! My Lord and Savior!  To me that beats any ; Team sport, dance star, famous actor, fancy car, race way, president, nationality or country flag, that the world has no problem being a "fool" for. 

I am complete and full. My life at its worse day is still a best day thanks to My Father! The King of Kings!
Praise God! 

Thank you For reading

May God Bless You!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Church, Church, Church.. whats the Deal?!

Recently I had a conversation with a friend who said:

" I go to church. I hate it... so I go to bible study on Thursdays, which I enjoy very much.  I question everything and usually I find that the answer is mostly already within and that any answer given to me only confuses me more.  It reinforces that God lives in us and he talk to us in our individual language.  He knows how to reach us if we are willing to listen.

       I suppose I lean more towards trying to understand my spirituality rather than to follow a path provided by a "religion", which is not the same as faith.  It is said that "many wars have been fought in the name of God", I say that is wrong, they were fought in the name of religion.  Religion is not prescribed anywhere in the bible.  I will challenge anyone who says otherwise to show me."

Wow! Is what I thought to myself. This sounded soo much like something I would have said almost to the letter last year. I was very confident that "spirituality" was the way to go. That I just needed to "look within" to find all the answers or to find that warm fuzzy feeling. For me 1 year ago, this "SEEMED" the right way. My friend was right about God talking to us if we are willing to listen, as per my last post. Yes.. also many wars have been fought in the name of "religion" this is unfortunate. Its also sad that many have been  killed in the name of Faith as well.. faith in Jesus Christ and the Gospel. (Which is not a religion). Yet the Gospel brought good news of those who where persecuted for His name sake... salvation, eternal life in the kingdom of heaven!! Whew.. Thank You Jesus!! 

This was my reply:
A few things that I can see clearly here for you... 

1: You need to find a better church. lol 

2: You need to reach a point where you stop looking for questions to ask.

3: Continue to read the Bible no matter what. Seeds will be planted. 

and finally 

4:  Hallelujah! may God bless you with sight . 
(I said this because I had no idea my friend was going to church, and because the enemy will try to blind us with confusion. )

Now if You care to read the following.. it is some bible verses talking about what GOD not man, no Buddah....  but The GOD expects from his children. 

Note what God says in Hebrews 10:19 25. Carefully read the passage:

           "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. "

Now allow me to put this in a more simple way... take note to the last passage..(25)

19 Brothers and sisters, we have confidence that we can enter the holy of holies by means of Jesus’ blood, 20 through a new and living way that he opened up for us through the curtain, which is his body, 21 and we have a great high priest over God’s house.
 22 Therefore, let’s draw near with a genuine heart with the certainty that our faith gives us, since our hearts are sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies are washed with pure water.
 23 Let’s hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, because the one who made the promises is reliable.
 24 Let’s also think about how to motivate each other to show love and to do good works. 25 Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.

MARK 16:15
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

How can this be done without the church? Will you open the door to the word? Or will you pretend you are not home, like so many do to the Jehovah. How else will the Gospel reach "all creation"? Churches not only create places for locals to go, but they also (they meaning the congregation) fund evangelist missions, and televangelist programs. 

 MATTHEW 16:18
"And I say also unto you, That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it."

Peter which means rock, was to be the example of church so to speak. He was the first to recognize Jesus as the "Son of the Living GOD". Because of this he was blessed and given that name Peter. (original name Simon). Anywho if you know the bible Peter denies Jesus 3 times. Then some time after the crucifixion of our Savior, he repents and establishes his ministry and spreads the Gospel following PAUL ( who is my favorite by the way). Paul establishes churches throughout the lands of the Gentiles, and later Peter goes to secure them. There is tons of meat and potatoes between all this I wrote,  but that's the simple gist of it. I see Peter a perfect representation of what the "church" can do, and what Christianity is all about. 
At first we ( humans) were with God, then the unspeakable.. we separated ourself from him, through sin. Then repentance/ forgiveness came ( from our Savior Jesus). The Gift of the Holy Spirit was given to us, and the word of God can now be spread "to all creation". (as is the responsibility of a Christian)

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them".
Its neat that a church is one of the ways we can have this! 

I went on to write : 
Its like anything else in life My friend. If you want to be a musician... you meet with like minded people to learn from one another. There usually is always an instructor or most advanced person in the group. Then you go on to share your talents and passion for the art. Same as it is for a church. You go NOT to join the crest of the Pastor or church but to make your soul rich. Rich with the knowledge of the words and how it can apply to us in our day to day. ( much like I translated or made easy to understand the verse above HEBREW 10: 19-25. You do not need to go to church and "become a member". There is a difference in attending or joining. I am not a "member" of my churchs congregation. ( not that I dont want to be, but I have little time to do the lessons currently. One day maybe.) The point is, if you find a GOOD church.. go to it with an open heart, know that you go to find God, not religion. Judge not the people or Pastor... for their judgments are none of your concern. Go to church to understand the word of the Lord. We may all think we are the smartest of smarts, but sometimes it can be really difficult to understand the Bible. I know The old testament brought the Beginning as well as law and order so to speak.. the NEW Testament which is the gospel brings JESUS.. who brings repentance and salvation. Its some pretty darn good news!! :) So it is helpful to go to a place where there are many who have sought out the same questions. And don't stop with church.. continue your study at home, there are many many ways to discover the messages of God. Prayer is also a very powerful way to talk to God, and he will help you to decipher through the questions. 

Importantly,  before you make any choice... for example... to challenge anyone.. is to make a choice.. to doubt.. is a feel you are wiser than all .. is a choice... to think that just "being good or spiritual" is enough .. thats a choice. ... so before you make a spoken or heartfelt choice.. read more, find out more.. research the authenticity of the bible and how "true" it is. Go with an open mind and heart, and you'll be surprised how quickly God will speak to you when you bring down your walls. 

Some times the way the "seems right" is just that ... a seemingly right way.. but not THE right way.

Lastly and MOST importantly....
Remember.. Christianity only means " Christ like" or "follower of Christ". It was a name given to us by the Romans who were labeling Paul and his group of listeners as they took up the study and words of Jesus Christ. So its not a religion... its a group of people who for centuries have died because they have chosen to go off the actual words of the Messiah vs "the church" . 

( Side note: I go to a church to help me understand, and to worship. I go to God, to serve. His voice reigns authority over any church, or power.. Amen! )

I strive to be Christ like all my days, and know yet... I will never reach. Still I am loved and forgiven and washed clean with the blood of Christ. 
I stand before men as a Kings Daughter forever more!
Praise be to God!

( side note: I totally am in no way complete in all the knowledge of the bible. Or history of Christianity. I have made mention before, I am studying. Not only at Sunday service, but every day all day is "church" or bible study for me. I have watched/read more documentaries on the Bible, Jesus, Old Testament, New Testament, the  Roman Catholic beginning, Manuscripts validity, Greek, Roman, Jews, Muslim, One World Order, History in general as it pertains to Christ BC and AD. As well as today's occurrences and prophecies, to include the coming One World Order. My studies are not complete, my learning is far from finished... my hope is it never be. Point is... what I speak is not just my own thought and understanding.  Its the Holy Spirit that drive me to hunger for the study. Never in my life have I been so studious. lol. I enjoy ever min of it. My only wish is that there were more "free" hrs in my day. )

Thank you for reading

May God Bless You!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gods Children Talk To Him Directly

Creflo Dollar CLICK                      Jesse Duplantis CLICK

I was fortunate enough to see in person two very amazing Rev/Dr. Jesse Duplantis and Creflo Dollar. I can say I just bout died laughing with Jesse and felt "smarter" when I left Dr. Dollars sermon. lol. One of the things that both men spoke about... is something that I have experienced and know without a doubt!! Is TRUE.

That's the ability to communicate with God. 

Sure there has been times that I have called and, at the time, it seemed I got a busy signal or put on hold. These times were mostly because I was not fully listening or I was impatient for the message. I have learned that God will speak to me, if I just humble my heart and Be Still to listen. I also know I will NEVER hear a "beep beep beep we're sorry but the number your trying to reach.... " disconnection message! He's always there ready to communicate to me and with me. 

There may be many things that people through history have tried to dispute about the bible, and the gospel. But NEVER can anyone tell me that I do not have a relationship with My God!. 

He is there for you too.. if you will humble yourself and listen. He waits to communicate with you... 

So why do I hear Him and others cant? Or is it Wont? 
(Others meaning non practicing I suppose)

God directs my life completely! Because I hand it over to him. I lean not on my own understandings, but obey his word and commands. Now this isn't always easy.. TRUST ME! Some days Im like.. "are you sure God?!?" lol. cause there are times when I have to endure things I don't want to. Or times I speak up about things that I would rather just avoid all together. But because I am obedient to Him, I do what he instructs. And its my FAITH that always brings victory in all situations. So the point... it is not always easy, but its always rewarding beyond any earthly reward. Then I usually come close to fainting at that point!! LOL. Cause I see yet again He has pulled me through, and he will not return void on anything I ask. 
WE just have to understand that His way is not our way. 

I am sure we all have had a moment in our lives that we have heard that "little voice". I believe that little voice is God. It was never meant to be a little voice... in actuality we are to be walking in the gardens with him.. but since we (humanity) have separated ourselves from him, we are in a constant "repair" mode. I dont hear a little voice, I hear a Loud clear voice. I have no doubt that it is I AM. How can I be so certain? when I follow the instructions or advice He gives, it ALWAYS ... not sometimes... ALWAYS, works out.
 Its that simple. Its that easy. And yet its hard to do. 

So who in their right mind would just hand over their life's direction to a "little voice" ? Hmm... well have you ever thought, maybe the way that "seems" right is really just a centuries old wool covering? I mean I think we can all agree that humanity didnt start with us.... for centuries "we the people" have been building up.. the who what when wheres and why's of people. Like clay molding so to speak. So now here we are, and we are living a "seemingly" good life. Sure there may be a God, or something.. but we are too satisfied with life to actually look into it.  So we ditch the traditions of old, to "enjoy our life"  and be "good people". I hear ya... 

Then one day .. I heard Him. Nothing has ever or will ever be the same. 
Praise God! 

My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. ~ Proverbs 2:1-5

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.~ John 10: 27-28

 So my guess is that those who speak to Him and directly hear from Him, also receive Him. Those who follow His instruction, also kneel to the cross. 
Those who seek Him without logic and abandon the "seemingly" right way, ..... Well.. We find Him. We find his unfailing LOVE. Amen.

Thank you for reading and joining me on this journey.

May God Bless You!